How to Draw a Bunny

How to Draw a Bunny

Follow along with our step-by-step lesson to create a cute bunny using just a pencil. You’ll be amazed at how easy and fun it is!

Drawing a Bunny Step by Step

Step 1: Start with the Basics

Draw a long oval for the bunny’s body and a small circle for the head. Lightly divide the circle into six sections to help with facial details. Don’t forget to sketch the outline of the ears!

Step 2: Shape the Head and Add Fur

Gently narrow the top of the circle to form the bunny’s head shape. On the right side, add soft, fluffy fur to give your bunny character.

Step 3: Add Details to the Ears and Face

Draw smooth, vertical lines inside the ears to add depth. Then, sketch the bunny’s eyes, nose, and mouth to give it a sweet expression.

Step 4: Draw the Paws and Tail

Now, bring your bunny to life! Add the front and back legs, making them look soft and fuzzy. Don’t forget the tiny fluffy tail at the back!

Step 5: Erase Guidelines and Add Color

Carefully erase the helper lines to clean up your drawing. You can leave your bunny as a pencil sketch or bring it to life with your favorite colors!

The fluffy bunny is one of kids’ all-time favorite characters, and there are so many ways to draw and color it. With our guide, you’ll create a realistic bunny with a cute face and beautiful ears, all with just a pencil, eraser, and a blank piece of paper. No special skills needed—just a little creativity and fun!

Ready to give it a try? Let’s hop into drawing!


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